Disney Movies With Bad Things in Them

By our estimate, over the last century, Disney has distributed around ten million films, so there is bound to be a couple ofQuack Packs hidden among a sea ofDucktales. As Disney adds another competitor to its collection, the company's cinematic rate of output will continue to increase, and a future may come when the industry is totally governed by the cold hand of the Mouse. It is hard to believe this is the same company which was struggling to win relevance in the 1980s and early 2000s.Frozen,Zootopia, andTangledsignified a welcome return to form for Walt Disney's principal brand, while theMarvel Cinematic UniverseandStar Warscontinue to dish out lucrative annual releases.

Delivered in 1937, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs introduced Walt Disney to the world in style. For the next decade, Micky Mouse focused almost exclusively on animation, butSaludos Amigos,The Three Caballeros, andSong of the South blended live-action with cartoons nearly half-a-century beforeWho Framed Roger Rabbitperfected the formula. By the 1950s, animated features become the anomaly rather than the norm. As seen in Fantasiaand 1951'sAlice in Wonderland, Disney shines the brightest when attempting to strike a balance between experimental and familiar. Whenever the latter completely takes over, the studio's output tends to take a bit of a nosedive. Regularly brought in as a distributor or to boost brand recognition, Walt Disney Pictures is slapped onto the box cover of many cinematic abominations!

Here are 30 crazy bad Disney movies with (almost) 0% on Rotten Tomatoes!

30 Chicken Little

Via disney.wikia.com

Rotten Tomatoes: 36

This article sludges through Disney's ugliest creations; however, for the most part, the studio's animated blockbusters survive the cross-examination in one piece. Putting aside the terrible direct-to-video sequels, Disney's cinematic cartoons seldom drop the ball too badly. 2005's Chicken Little is an exception. Reflected by this entry's picture, the film's poster set the bar excruciatingly low, but the final project still found a way to disappoint! Hardly pretty in the mid-2000s, Chicken Little's 3D animation has aged like an egg left out in the sun for around a decade. The story retells the classic fable, but the tone is oddly mean-spirited for such a light-hearted film.

29 Pirates Of The Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales

Via geektyrant.com

Rotten Tomatoes: 29

Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearlcame together far more convincingly than anyone could have predicted. Going by the sequels, even Disney has yet to figure out why its pirate movie based on a theme park ride worked so well. History has shown thatThe Curse of the Black Pearlwas a happy accident. While they had their fair share of problems, the original trilogy told a satisfying enough story to be worth recommending; unfortunately, the two most recent sequels are nothing but caricatures of the earlier entries. Captain Jack Sparrow should have stayed in Davy Jones' locker.

28 Alice Through The Looking Glass

Via imdb.com

Rotten Tomatoes: 30

Tim Burton's Alice in Wonderland is quite a mixed bag. The visuals are delightful and imaginative, but the logical plot and interpretation of the characters miss the point in Lewis Carroll's purposely pointless novel. Alice Through the Looking Glass is more of the same, only just far worse than its predecessor. Despite an all-star cast featuring Johnny Depp, Anne Hathaway, and Sacha Baron Cohen; the acting is of a shockingly low quality. The special effects remain the only bright spot, but the gorgeous imagery cannot mask the rest of the package's stench.

27 Cinderella II: Dreams Come True

Via fanpop.com

Rotten Tomatoes: 11

Even if the company's all-consuming business strategy has many people worried, we would be hard-pressed to describe this trend as ill-conceived. Current Disney is the strongest Disney. At the turn of the century, Mickey Mouse determined the best way to deepen its pocket was to produce direct-to-video sequels for the studio's most beloved classics. Divided into three distinct segments,Cinderella II: Dreams Come Truewould have made for a passable TV pilot, but the cracks are too pronounced to ignore in a full-length film. Disney's sequels are chiefly known for their laughable quality, but they also cheapened the brand's overall value.

26 Planes

Via YouTube.com (Walt Disney Studios)

Rotten Tomatoes: 25

Disneytoon Studios handled the vast majority of the direct-to-video shlock that infested the late '90s and early 2000s, but Disney occasionally provided this division with an opportunity to step up to the plate and produce a theatrical film. In a welcome change of pace, rather than a bland sequel,Planesis a redundant spin-off based on Pixar's intermittently decent Cars, but the quality is far closer toCars 2. We have to hand it to Disney, they found a way to make Pixar's least ambitious franchise seem like a creative tour-de-force.

25 Flubber

via netflix.com

Rotten Tomatoes: 24

Oh, we can almost feel the outrage triggered by the inclusion of this impeccable 1997 comedy starring the great Robin Williams! Critics simply did not comprehend the multi-layered brilliance of a sentient snot bubble.Flubberis the stuff of legend and marks a high point in Disney's filmography! Look, Robin Williams' talent was undeniable and Hollywood might never bare witness to another entertainer of his caliber; nevertheless,Flubber is a painful sit. At this point in his career, John Hughes' films seemed to be completely devoid of any wit or substance, andFlubbermight have been the worst of the bunch.

24 Old Dogs

Via cinemafreaks.com

Rotten Tomatoes: 5

While both actors starred in their fair share of mediocrity, it took the combined efforts of John Travolta and Robin Williams to drop a cinematic stinker deserving of the Old Yeller treatment. Old Dogs sees the two seasoned performers cast in the roles of aging bachelors who are suddenly saddled by a pair of obnoxious kids. Unless you are a big fan of hammy acting and outdated sitcom tropes, Old Dogs should be avoided like a pack of rabies-infected chihuahuas.

23 Aladdin And The King Of Thieves

Via throwbacks.com

Rotten Tomatoes: 27

Okay, we promise to lay off Robin Williams after this entry. Rewarded with two sequels and an animated series,Aladdinclearly struck a chord with Disney and audiences. Published in 1996 and bolstered by the return of Robin Williams as the Genie,Aladdin and the King of Thievesbrought the franchise to a satisfying close. Yes, we said SATISFYING. Even though critics were not particularly impressed with this direct-to-video effort,King of Thieves is essentially harmless and ranks among the better Disney sequels. Rather than a successor to the 1992 cartoon, this film is best seen as the finale of the animated series.

22 The Lone Ranger

Via variety.com

Rotten Tomatoes: 30

Frequently cited among the biggest cinematic flops of all time, The Lone Ranger signaled the end of Johnny Depp's time as a bona fide A-list star. Directed by Gore Verbinski, whose filmography encompasses the original Pirates of the Caribbean trilogy, Disney flushed Scrooge McDuck's fortune down the toilet to produce this tone-deaf western. Who was this meant for? Which Disney executive believed a modern audience would flock to theatres to experience a retelling of The Lone Ranger? More importantly, why is this nearly 2.5 hours long? Who asked for this?!? We demand to know!

21 G-Force

Via amazon.com

Rotten Tomatoes: 22

Hamsters are adorable. After sitting through this family-friendly comedy and instantly failing to remember a single thing about it, one has to assume Disney produced G-Force simply because of someone's unhealthy fondness for the hairy rodent. Even though it would not look out of place on the Disney Channel, G-Force boasts a mouth-watering cast that features multiple award-winning performers. Nicolas Cage, Penélope Cruz, Sam Rockwell, and Steve Buscemi all agreed to appear in this uninspired romp, so we have to assume their paychecks were anything but forgettable.

20 Hannah Montana: The Movie

Via YouTube.com (MileyCyrusHits)

Rotten Tomatoes: 43

Based on Miley Cyrus' popular series, Hannah Montana: The Movie skates the line between unassuming and lazy. On the one hand, the film does not even strive to rise above the standard set by the show, but we doubt many young fans left theatres feeling disappointed or dejected. For the most part, Disney did its job. Hannah Montana: The Movie was designed for a specific audience, and it would be unfair to scrutinize this project for failing to impress critics who can barely differentiate between their Mileys and Selenas.

19 Belle's Magical World

Via Deviantart.com (yodajax10)

Rotten Tomatoes: 17

There was not a single property which survived Disney's sequel revolution unscathed. Out of all the battered soldiers,Beauty and the Beastgarnered more scars than most. How does a studio follow-up the first animated film to earn aBest Picture nomination? Whatever that may be,Belle's Magical World is definitely not it. Frankly, describing this 1998 trainwreck as a "film" is way too generous, asBelle's Magical Worldis merely a collection of episodes from a defunct spin-off series. Hastily put together and best left ignored,Belle's Magical Worldsaw Disney reach a new unprecedented low.

18 Beverly Hills Chihuahua

Via imdb.com

Rotten Tomatoes: 40

Hampered by a title that instantly invokes an intense bout of eye-rolling,Beverly Hills Chihuahuais surprisingly watchable. Just to avoid losing face, we are by no means suggesting this family comedy is a hidden gem or worth seeking out, but parents have surely been subjected to worse children's entertainment. For example, they could be forced to sit through either of the twoBeverly Hills Chihuahuasequels, which only avoided a place on this list due to Rotten Tomatoes lacking enough reviews to put together an aggregate score. Yes, critics could not even be bothered to try them out. Who can blame them?

17 Inspector Gadget

Via coub.com

Rotten Tomatoes: 21

Barely long enough to qualify as a feature film,Inspector GadgetoutranksGodzillaas Matthew Broderick's most radiant dumpster fire. It is a tiny miracle Ferris Bueller came out of the '90s with anything resembling a career, but Disney could have done far more with this live-action adaptation of 1983's television series. Poorly acted and stuffed with more cliches than a shounen anime,Inspector Gadgetis the living embodiment of by-the-numbers. Broderick awkwardly hams things up to try and get a laugh, but the special effects team are the only ones who survive the film with any self-respect intact.

16 My Favorite Martian

Via sky.com

Rotten Tomatoes: 12

A remake of CBS's sitcom from the '60s,My Favorite Martian elected the right ingredients but failed to combine them in any meaningful way. A wacky comedy about a newspaperman and his friendly neighborhood extraterrestrial, Jeff Daniels and Christopher Lloyd inject a certain level of charm into the comatose script, but this material is far beneath either of them. We are just going to come right out and say it, Disney's live-action films were almost universally terrible during the decade of grunge and boy bands. Infatuated with the seemingly endless potential of CGI, Mickey frequently forgot to write actual jokes to complement the (not so) timeless visuals.

15 I'll Be Home For Christmas

Via imdb.com

Rotten Tomatoes: 23

Voicing The Lion King's Simba and earning a spot inHome Improvement's main cast, Jonathan Taylor Thomas' career got off to an impressive start. In 1998, Thomas ditched Tim Allen's sitcom and sought superstardom on the big screen, andI'll Be Home for Christmaswas meant to capitalize on the young celebrity's fame and, perhaps, catapult Simba to the big leagues. Unfortunately, things did not quite work out that way! If bad Christmas songs have taught us anything, the holiday season is all about presents and impressing Jessica Biel. With smarter writing and a more satirical tone,I'll Be Home for Christmascould have been something special.

14 Jungle 2 Jungle

Via aol.com

Rotten Tomatoes: 19

In the late '90s, Jonathan Taylor Thomas was not the onlyHome Improvementrepresentative to join forces with Disney. Unfortunately, this entry has nothing to do withToy StoryorThe Santa Clause. It is not unusual for big Westerm studios to greenlight an adaptation of a successful foreign film, but they typically opt for something with a bit of a positive reputation. 1994'sLittle Indian, Big City might actually be inferior to Tim Allen'sJungle 2 Jungle, but Disney had nothing to do with the former, so here we are!Jungle 2 JunglemakesGeorge of the Jungleseem like the good Tarzan.

13 Mr. Magoo

Via sky.com

Rotten Tomatoes: 7

Leslie Nielsen earned every ounce of praise flung his way. Originally starring in serious productions, Nielsen's comedic chops coincided with a resurgence in the actor's career. Despite only lasting for around six episodes,Police Squad!was ahead of its time and puts to shame most modern sitcoms. Nielsen's credentials cannot be faulted, but the dude's filmography is slightly terrible. Everyone lovesAirplane!, butMr. Magoo is a far more accurate representation of the vast majority of Nielsen's typical output. When Detective Frank Drebin cannot save a movie, then you know it was doomed from the start.

12 That Darn Cat

Via deecrowseer.wordpress.com

Rotten Tomatoes: 13

1965's That Darn Cat! was a fine enough feel-good comedy, but it hardly warranted a remake. Released during a time when buddy cop movies featuring animals were on the demand, That Darn Cat is only saved from being the worst offender due to the existence of Theodore Rex. Honestly, the latter might be objectively awful, but the idea of Whoopi Goldberg solving crimes with a dinosaur is insane enough to almost be worth recommending. That Darn Cat offers nothing exciting or original.

11 The Mighty Ducks

Via hollywoodreporter.com

Rotten Tomatoes: 18

Coming in at an earth-shattering 21%,D2: The Mighty Duckssits as the trilogy's highest rated entry. Apparently, Disney's classic tale about an arrogant lawyer turned ice hockey coach failed to resonate with critics. Were they too harsh on this harmless sports series? No,The Mighty Duckswas and will always be trash. Nevertheless, who does not occasionally like to dine on a bit of junk food? Sure, it might leave your digestive system in tatters, but there is nothing more comforting than digging into a greasy burger and a large fries.The Mighty Ducksis the Mcdonalds of sports movies.

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About The Author

Mark Sammut (251 Articles Published)

Mark Sammut grew up on the PlayStation 1 and has been playing games ever since, although he is no longer limited to just Sony consoles. Be it RPGs, shooters, platformers, or racing games, Mark's area of expertise covers a wide range of genres and topics. That goes beyond video games as well, extending to mediums like anime and western cinema.

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Disney Movies With Bad Things in Them

Source: https://www.thegamer.com/disney-movies-rotten-tomatoes-not-great/

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